Sunday, April 22, 2007


In our great efforts to become civilized, global and indistrialized, have we forgotten God's creatures that first inhabited this most precious sphere?

Deforestation and fossil fuel emission are just some of the many contributers to the problem that we call "global warming". The results of our industrialization can be seen throughout our globe, especially in the habitat of the North Pole. Does anyone really care that our advancement as a human race means putting the Polar Bear on thin ice?

Sunday, April 15, 2007


"Fortune truly helps those who are of good judgment."

In Roman mythology, Fortuna (equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche) was the personification of luck, hopefully of good luck, but she could be represented veiled and blind, as modern depictions of Justice are seen, and came to represent the capriciousness of life. She is also a goddess of fate.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Green: Part II

It isn't always the green fairy that visits those who partake of this green liquid.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007


From the Hardwood Floor Wars Series:
The fight for the scraps today would be determined by the act of breaking the wishbone that lay 'neath the table. Stenzil's aggressive impatience resulted in a premature snap, thus forcing him to go hungry 'till another day. Goes to show...those who remain calm and calculated do not always end up with the short end of the stick.