Monday, December 25, 2006


Like all things in life -- too much of one thing never ceases to dull the senses.

One must occasionally lick the bitter to taste the sweet, struggle through pain to experience the gain, walk through the valleys in order to stand on the top, wrestle through hate in order to love. So it is true that in order to gain full appreciation and actualization of this thing called peace, one must experience the horrors of war.


pati said...

Wow! Ur illo is perfect! and ur message is true and very touching. I like it a lot.

Merry Xmas!

studio lolo said...

Excellent illustration and powerful words.

Teri said...

Powerful illustration!!!!!!

Kim de Young said...

Life is complicated, your illustration is beautiful.

Brine Blank said...

Great illustration and combo of images...I almost overlooked this one because no thumbnail was present!

neilornstein said...

very fine