Drawings are at once the heartbeat, the bones, the musculature, and the spirit of all art. Drawings constitute a unique language for each artist, and the viewer is privileged to glimpse the skeletal elements of the art process first-hand. Drawings are personal: they reveal , they are intended as notes, they are a means to an end, and they represent the embryo of genius...the moment of an artist's truth.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Take heed to those with whom you keep company; for many a man hath fallen to a simple twisted word shared among a duplicitous acquaintance. -Anon.
Nice study.
Beautiful mouth on that fellow. Not duplicitous, surely? ;->
lov the color in this and as usual another great study. the lighting setup is great.
great drawings and take on the topic:)
I love how the shadow turns up on the corners of his mouth. Wonderful twist!
You're making me green with envy...
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