Drawings are at once the heartbeat, the bones, the musculature, and the spirit of all art. Drawings constitute a unique language for each artist, and the viewer is privileged to glimpse the skeletal elements of the art process first-hand. Drawings are personal: they reveal , they are intended as notes, they are a means to an end, and they represent the embryo of genius...the moment of an artist's truth.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Trick or Treat
Don't you love those little people this time of year!?...me, me, me...I want candy...give me MORE...
Too much of a 'treat' towards them results in a 'trick' for us.
That is one wacky lookin dude...Nice work.
Well now, there you go. A single concept flowing from a tight little illustration. Well done.
Fantastical costume! I love your imagination.
Makes me think of the Hobbit - dressed up for Halloween - love it! Diane
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