Sunday, March 16, 2008


The Mountain Colony had finally done it. They succeeded in cultivating a new breed of olive, which for many years, had only been mentioned in rare cryptic text and had been regarded by many as nothing more than myth.

Domecio had been entrusted with the coveted, yet risky task of transporting this new specimen to the horticultural authorities. The significance of this breakthrough had never weighted heavier on the heart and body of poor Dommy.

As he was sure to encounter ground threats of other jealous colonies, Domecio was prepared. Approaching his destination, he began to release the decoys, while clutching tightly upon the real deal.

History was about to change.


INDIGENE said...

Wildly fantasical! Interesting concept and the narration is a wonderful edition.

steve said...

This is so beautifully drawn--it helps seeing this enlarged. Love the story too.

Sycla said...

Great drawing, and the story lends it some 'epic' flair. Well done!

Loni Edwards said...

Your art is fantastic! The story also is very well done. Nice job!

Xanthe said...

Great illustration...but where can I get the olives! *grin*