Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time; his is the force that lies within.
-Led Zeppelin


Unknown said...

V coool drawing!! love the style!

Amy Zaleski said...

Wow, I keep looking at this over and over....it's captivating. Now I will be singing "All of My Love" for the rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

Oozing with mythical allure :)

fortwertz said...

Shed lines, cross-contours, and weighted edges make this nostalgic impression ever-lasting. There's the arrow again!

carla said...

This is very captivating...much to figure out as the eyes follows a line and discovers a new direction. Cool colors, beautiful drawing.

goalpost95 said...

love the wings and the replacements on them, plus the quote is sweet