Drawings are at once the heartbeat, the bones, the musculature, and the spirit of all art. Drawings constitute a unique language for each artist, and the viewer is privileged to glimpse the skeletal elements of the art process first-hand. Drawings are personal: they reveal , they are intended as notes, they are a means to an end, and they represent the embryo of genius...the moment of an artist's truth.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time; his is the force that lies within. -Led Zeppelin
V coool drawing!! love the style!
Wow, I keep looking at this over and over....it's captivating. Now I will be singing "All of My Love" for the rest of the day!
Oozing with mythical allure :)
Shed lines, cross-contours, and weighted edges make this nostalgic impression ever-lasting. There's the arrow again!
This is very captivating...much to figure out as the eyes follows a line and discovers a new direction. Cool colors, beautiful drawing.
love the wings and the replacements on them, plus the quote is sweet
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