Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Feet:Part II

Okay...here's a quick little skeletal study of...you guessed it..."feet". Couldn't resist throwing this classroom demo in...hot off the press.


HARDWAX said...

Now this is really getting down to the bare bones, cool interpretation of feet, sharp work.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

Another wonderful illustration!!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

Another wonderful illustration!!

Queen Tut said...

Great sketch!

gudbrandsdottir said...

Very nice sketch!

Heartful said...

Wow, this is wonderful, reminds me of Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches.

fortwertz said...

How come this isn't censored? Ground tone, weighted line, and over/under-worked areas? What else does one need? Good stuff.

neilornstein said...

beautifully done