Sunday, August 13, 2006


Those unwilling to risk moving from their safe little worlds run a great chance of failing.

The pleasure of risk is in the control needed to ride it with assurance so that what appears dangerous to the outsider is, to the participant, simply a matter of intelligence, skill, intuition, coordination - in a word, experience. Climbing, in particular, is a paradoxically intellectual pastime, but with this difference: you have to think with your body. Every move has to be worked out in terms of effort, balance and consequences. It is like playing chess with your body. If I make a mistake, the consequences are immediate, obvious, embarrassing and possibly painful. For a brief period, I am directly responsible for my actions. In that beautiful, silent world of the mountains, it seems to me worth a little risk.


Unknown said...

beautiful! Love your take!

Natura said...

Great work!

Diane Duda said...

wow...this is great!

JO said...

Your work is fabulous.

Jeannetto said...

very nice

Carol Roque said...

wow..this is very beautifuly done.

Kevin Cromwell said...

When only your king is left, its quite a fun race. Oh, the challenge.


faeorain said...

Great color scheme and technique. Very nice illustration.

murphy girl said...

the drama of it!

irisz said...

i like the perspevctive!

harmoniousjosh said...

Nice climbing tie in. Art-wise, I especially like how the squares sort of fall apart in the back.

albina said...

Very strong image -- great topic.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

masterfully done; perfect!