Drawings are at once the heartbeat, the bones, the musculature, and the spirit of all art. Drawings constitute a unique language for each artist, and the viewer is privileged to glimpse the skeletal elements of the art process first-hand. Drawings are personal: they reveal , they are intended as notes, they are a means to an end, and they represent the embryo of genius...the moment of an artist's truth.
Friday, November 03, 2006
In any given evening in these hills, the intoxicating scent of smoke from a wood fire can be enjoyed by anyone travelling through.
very nice. i love the smell of smoke that comes from chimneys in the winter. one of my favorite smells on the planet. :-)
oy.. your line work is great! beautifully done!
Nice. Makes me miss New England :(
wow- its beautiful. The colours are very simple, but evoke the atmosphere perfectly!
very pretty.
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