Saturday, February 24, 2007


Talk is cheap.

Leonardo da Vinci always maintained that actions and body language spoke louder than words; that one's true communicacability manifests itself namely in their hands.

Observer and scientist that he was, he believed that the feelings of a character could be revealed through body movement as well as face and to this aim he advised artists to observe deaf mutes.

"Men of genius sometimes accomplish most when they work the least, for they are thinking out inventions and forming in their minds the perfect idea that they subsequently communicate and express with their hands."

- Leonardo da Vinci , In Education/Genius

Friday, February 16, 2007


From the "Chronicles of Inanity":

Until now, the gravity of the situation had never been so clear to him. Committed to the same pursuit for 9 long years in a world of pure disillusionment, disappointment, and backstabbing, he finally decided to take his show on the road. Fields of golden butter no longer appealed to him; time to seek out and find something substantial – a place where people are secure with themselves, real, not so self-absorbed and, well….a bit appreciative of hard work.

Better days lie ahead...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Druck Valley

A recent pencil drawing that I made of my parents' back yard, looking down into the valley below.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


As we entered the moon-lit forest, the intoxicating smell of pine sap wisped cooly past our noses. The sacred peace that radiated from the nearby babbling brook was shattered, as our presence disturbed a roost of slumbering turkeys. It was the "crash" of these creatures' wings against the pine branches that I remember most about that day, as they made every effort to elude our endangering presence.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Banded Apple

This is just a quick classroom demo that I felt like posting.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Years of chasing that prized orange carrot across the land undoubtedly left its toll on him. As the journey led him to the edge of the what many considered the "Boundary", he thought nothing of danger and sprouted wings of faith to lead him in his great quest.

If the desire is great enough, one will do almost anything to get what they want. Desire has the power to defy not only gravity, but "reality" itself.