Saturday, February 24, 2007


Talk is cheap.

Leonardo da Vinci always maintained that actions and body language spoke louder than words; that one's true communicacability manifests itself namely in their hands.

Observer and scientist that he was, he believed that the feelings of a character could be revealed through body movement as well as face and to this aim he advised artists to observe deaf mutes.

"Men of genius sometimes accomplish most when they work the least, for they are thinking out inventions and forming in their minds the perfect idea that they subsequently communicate and express with their hands."

- Leonardo da Vinci , In Education/Genius


suzanne cabrera said...

Wonderful reference for illustration.

Michelle said...

A great rendition. Always enjoy your work and draftsmanship.

studio lolo said...

Leonardo was ahead of his time. I'm sure he'd give high marks on every single one of your drawings. Great job.

° said...

great set of hands

Laura said...

Powerful sketch and wonderful work you have here, love the text on your blog header

Steve Mitchell said...

Nice drawing and with your text makes a great tie in to the theme. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Mia Houman said...

Lovely drawing. Hands can be difficult to draw. Excellent job!

fortwertz said...

Cross-contours within the Sepia Soup Special of the day relate well not only to the theme, but echo the techniques of the 'ol master himself. Cheers to creating works over an extended SINAT.