Tuesday, February 13, 2007


As we entered the moon-lit forest, the intoxicating smell of pine sap wisped cooly past our noses. The sacred peace that radiated from the nearby babbling brook was shattered, as our presence disturbed a roost of slumbering turkeys. It was the "crash" of these creatures' wings against the pine branches that I remember most about that day, as they made every effort to elude our endangering presence.


El Mo said...

good, very good art, really great. greetings from Portugal ;)


Unknown said...


Michelle Lana said...

Wonderful and enchanting!

Brine Blank said...

Nice...would be nice to hear about the technique used to get the colors...

Michelle said...

This is beautiful! Love the feel and look of this peice.

quiet storm said...

This is a 24" x 36" piece of gessoed w.c. paper. A quick, non-consistent layer / ground of burnt sienna acrylic was applied and let to dry. Then a powdered graphite was rubbed over top. Lifting-out occurred through various types of erasers and damp rags. Additive work was done in vine charcoal and white c. p. The whole drawing took under an hour...fun stuff!

bluerose said...

Wow! Your entire blog is great, the artwork and the writing. Thanks for the instructions on how you did this piece.

Nicole Florian said...

Beautiful! It seems pure gold.


beautiful work.. thanks for sharing the technique!

Bill Z said...

beautiful piece - I love the rich browns

mag.nolia said...

That's what I call a masterpiece! :) Great work!
