Friday, June 01, 2007


Narrow is the path...


Midway along the road of our life,
I found myself in a darkened wood,
where the true path had been obscured.

Oh, how hard it is to speak of it,
this savage, wild and fearsome wood;
the thought of it renews my terror!

More bitter is it than is death itself;
but to reveal to you the good I found,
I must talk of the other things I saw.

From La Divina Commedia di Dante: Inferno by Dante Alighieri


Willie Baronet said...

Love those verses. Nice work. :-)

bookbabie said...

Very pretty, I've been thinking about doing some angel paintings:)

Nicole Florian said...

Nel mezzo del camin di nostra vita...Beautiful drawing and inspiration!

pati said...


mcscrub said...

another great work

Ellen Byrne said...


studio lolo said...

Perfect. Just perfect. I always love the touch of color you choose.