After a long day at work, Sebastian entered the famous "Walnut Room" lounge, kicked back and lit up six of his finest cigars. Was his death the result of FEAR of the the fact that a termite inhabited a well-wooden room or JEALOUSY from the fact that someone could enjoy six specimens simultaneously? Whatever the reason, the bouncers were certain that he be removed from the high-browed lounge and tossed to the lowly cobblestone streets that so wickedly awaited his poor exoskeleton.
Great art. Great story. Look forward to seeing more.
sweet sweet arrows
It's too bad there aren't any swords.
Funny in a sad sort of way.
Both of these works are captivating--I think it's the linear that grabs me. Dynamic pressure changes of the pencil take the eyes for walks in the park! I must remember to clean up after the dog, though. Well spoken submissions.
This is so beautifully drawn, so beautifully sad.
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